THEATRE | MAY – AUG 2025 Learlike is the first first female-led production to win the European Shakespeare Festivals Network’s Shakesphere competition and will premiere at the York International Shakespeare Festival in May 2025. After our premiere in York, we have been invited by the ESFN to tour this production across Europe until August 2025, performing at: > …


THEATRE | JAN 2025 Based on the short story from Bora Chung’s Cursed Bunny, that was nominated for the international Booker prize, The Head tells the disturbingly visceral tale of a woman who finds a head growing in her toilet, and following her throughout her life, from the depths of the white porcelain. Kat Kim both performed …


MUSIC THEATRE | AUG, SEP 2023 To tackle the evergrowing problem of White Fragility and Saviourism, I restaged Caryl Churchill’s play The After-Dinner Joke from 1978 about the dark side of British charities, as a live radio performance set in that very year. The wobbly mirror held up to society is one of jokes and …


THEATRE | AUG, SEP, OCT 2024 Based on the lived experience of Ariela Nazar-Rosen, make the Bed is a performance that explores an anxiety attack in real time, showing what it’s like when your thoughts consume you whole. During the particular spiral the show is based on, Ariela was struck by a bed-bug scare, isolating her and …


PUPPETRY | MAY, JUN, JUL 2024 There is nothing more powerful than imagining something that makes the world around you more interesting. And there is nothing more frustrating than being told that you can’t or shouldn’t. The Boy Who Couldn’t Sit Still is a dance between a boy and the chair he’s been told to stay in. What happens when …


THEATRE | JUN 2022 Olympe is a twohander about words and war. About Olympe de Gouges, the extraordinary playwright who fought for women’s rights during the French Revolution, and was guillotined because of it. After feeling deeply insulted by a sign in a bookstore, a young woman’s spiraling thoughts freeze her to the store’s threshold. …


MUSIC THEATRE | NOV 2021 De Megalomaan (The Megalomaniac) is Dutch music theatre about a young person’s inability to cope with the loss of dreams. I wrote and staged it as a storytelling event, where the audience joins actors and musicians on stage and all theatricality is deconstructed to the bare minimum, to enable collected …